Born to Pratapsinh Shankarao Deshmukh, a veteran agriculturist residing at Jarud, Tq. Warud, Dist. Amravati. He had taken his high school education from Sindhiya School Gwalior, aquired BA degree from Indore Unviersity and LLB from Mumbai University in 1976. His learned personality is reflected in his administrative skills.He is honored with the positions of Member, Zilha Parishad; Vice President, Zilha Parishad; Member of Legistative Assembly, Maharashtra State. He had also been the Hon'ble Cabinet Minister of Agriculture and the State Minister of Revenue and Tourism in the Government of Maharashtra.Receiving the prestegious Bharatratna Dr. Babasaheb Award- 2022 of the People's Education Society, Mumbai for his noteworthy contribution to the societal development is a feather in the cap of his extraordinary social, educational and political work.